In 1936 the control of the Knight Sugar Company had passed into banker’s hands and so I made a deal with the controlling banks and with some minority stock holders to acquire their holdings of the Knight Sugar Company, thereby making the McIntyre Ranching Company the owner of some 87% of the Knight Sugar Company (my father had incorporated the ranch holdings into the McIntyre Ranching Company Limited in 1918). From 1937 onward the McIntyre Ranching Company has operated the Knight Sugar Company as a subsidiary company, finally acquiring the remaining minority 13% interest, and has made its operation a joint one with that of the McIntyre Ranching Company so that our combined holdings of land at the present time comprise about 160,000 acres.
Six sets of ranch and farm buildings are maintained to carry on this operation. We brand approximately 2,000 head of calves per year and annually market about that number of cattle. We market our steers at three years of age, mostly off the grass and will continue to do so as long a the market demand for large steers continues. Each year we sell about half of our two year old heifers off the grass to packers for slaughter. The remaining half of two year old heifers are put back into our breeding herd to take the place of dry cows which we market each year.