
In 2002 the Ranch had approximately 181 miles of fence (61 miles of perimeter fence and 120 miles of interior fencing). The fences create 130 fields ranging in size from 4272 acres to less than 1 acre. Half of these fields are more than 100 acres with an average size of 847 acres. The remaining fields are smaller than 100 acres with an average size of 19 acres. Most fence lines are built with treated wood posts and five strands of barbwire. Fences are typically located with consideration given to terrain conditions and in proximity to water.

The primary growing season in southern Alberta occurs during May, June and July. Stocking rates on the McIntyre average 18 acres per animal unit (AU) (one animal unit is considered a mature cow and a nursing calf) and this is the area an animal unit requires to survive for a one year period. Stocking rates range between 14 acres per AU during the fall and winter months and 22 acres per AU during the spring and summer months. This is done so as to limit the grazing impact during the growing season. Another interesting point is that the field rotation program results in having only 25% of the Ranch being grazed at any given time during the year.

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