History Of The RanchRanch OperationsProjects & EventsPhoto GalleryMerchandiseContact


This website has been designed as an avenue for family, friends, acquaintances and business relations (or anyone else who might be interested) to learn about the McIntyre Ranch. The style chosen to convey the information is primarily intended to assist those who know little or nothing about the operations of a cattle ranch. We hope you enjoy. We are proud to share.

Measurements contained within this site are conveyed in Canadian ranching industry terms. The following formulas can be used to approximately convert to some other standards.

1 mile = 1.61 km
1 litre = .26 US gallon or .22 Imp. gallon
1 acre = 0.41 hectare

We welcome all comments and/or questions you might have about our website and Ranch. Please contact us at your convenience through one of the methods listed on the Contact page.


The McIntyre Ranch has changed very little since it was established in 1894. The 'balance of nature' philosophy that guided fifty-three years of McIntyre ownership has continued since Ralph Thrall bought the 87 section property from the McIntyre estate in 1948 (one section equals 640 acres, 1581 hectares or one square mile). Twelve sections that were once farmed have been seeded back to tame grasses for grazing while the other seventy-five sections remain in their native condition. Several factors are considered in order to maintain and enhance the healthy range condition. Appropriate stocking rates (number of cattle) in conjunction with duration and time of year grazing, water requirements, natural shelter, strategic fencing and salt distribution all must be considered for effective balanced grazing. Our goal of achieving excellence with all aspects associated with the McIntyre Ranch will be worked at while functioning in harmony with nature. Sustainable ranching has been and continues to be the main objective of this company.

Ralph A. Thrall passed away in 1978. The Ranch is presently owned by Ralph A. Thrall Jr. and managed by Ralph A. Thrall III (General Manager 1990), Duane Spitzer (Controller 1973) and Jamie Christie (Foreman 2001).

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McIntyre Ranch